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At this stage in development there are almost 7,000 land owners in Each land parcel is a uniquely numbered Cardano NFT (CNFT) based on its location within Currently, land parcels cannot be visited or deployed. This project is in the very early stages of development, the success of this digital world is dependent...
Drunken Dragon: Inns & Quests
As a part of Inns & Quest: Drunken Dragon, players will have the responsibility of managing and owning an Inn & Tavern. Players will be assigned a name to be remembered and will begin collecting items. In addition to collecting furniture of deep fantasy, you will also have the opportunity to collect adventurers of rich...
Cardano Warriors
Cardano Warriors NFT platform combines art and technology to celebrate old RPG titles from the Golden Age of video games.
Continuum World
A Free-to-Play and Play-to-Earn massively multiplayer online game, Continuum World allows users to explore a completely new world with buildings to collect resources, level up, compete, socialize and earn the game’s Token $UM.

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  • January 1, 2018
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